Industry 4.0 Skills


“Skills and Competences for Work in Industry 4.0” is a European project funded by the ERASMUS+ Program for the period 2020–2022. The main goal of the “Industry 4.0 Skills” project is to provide a comprehensive and practical overview of initiatives, programs, methods, and materials for the development and self-improvement of personal skills and competences in the context of industrial transformation.

Digitization is increasingly reshaping the world of work, with technologies like computerization, big data, advanced robotics, and IoT readily substituting labor in a wide range of non-routine cognitive tasks while also taking on a broader scope of manual tasks. This shift is transforming the nature of work towards a knowledge-oriented approach.

Our focus is on collecting good practices, showcased as use cases of successful approaches and methods for implementing vocational training tailored to the needs of Industry 4.0.

More than 60 good practices are available in a specially designed interactive database and are also presented in a downloadable PDF catalog.

Our project team consists of a dynamic mix of partners with extensive experience in education and training, creativity and entrepreneurship, business development, financing, and innovation management. The team hails from four European countries: Austria, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Germany, with INI-Novation serving as the project leader.