

GiCASES – Creating a University-Enterprise Alliance for a Spatially Enabled Society – is a Knowledge Alliance co-funded by the EC ERASMUS+ Programme.

The project aims to foster innovation in Geographic Information (GI) education and industry while promoting collaborative knowledge creation, management, and sharing.

GiCASES develops innovative, multidisciplinary teaching and learning approaches in the GI sector to enhance the quality and relevance of university courses and facilitate stronger connections between academia and industry. Through case-based learning, the project enables enterprises and universities to co-create learning materials based on real-world scenarios, strengthening the exchange and co-creation of knowledge.

By fostering collaboration during and after courses, supported by a dedicated platform, GiCASES enhances knowledge management and builds a foundation for a spatially enabled and innovative society.

Project website:

Knowledge Alliance N° 562657-EPP-A-2015-1-IT-EPPKA2-KA