

AgriSkills “Entrepreneurial skills for the digitalization of rural agriculture” is a European project funded under the Erasmus+ program. Behind AgriSkills are five European partners from Germany, Greece, North Macedonia, Austria and Slovenia, who together support the sustainable digitalization of agriculture at regional level.

INI-Novation is the project leader, and contributes with extensive experience in business development, vocational training, digital technologies and regional development.

The aim is to raise awareness and knowledge among agricultural stakeholders in the field of digital and entrepreneurial skills required to implement innovative digital technologies.and operational capabilities for Maritime surveillance operations resorting to aerial and water surface support.

As a result of our two-year effort, we have developed the following learning materials and tools to stimulate the awareness, knowledge, and skills of learners and trainers in the field of digital agriculture: AgriSkills Training Course, AgriSkills 4.0 e-Learning Platform, and AgriSkills Catalogue for showcasing 46 successful digitalization practices implemented by others in their farms and regions.

Project number: 2021-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000034651

Project website: